Your Website's Design

We treat each client individually, we listen and take on board your ideas before we develop your solution branded to your company. Each website we develop is unique, so you retain your individual brand identity.

Many website designers will use a standard template then insert your logo in the top left corner. This often leads to very unsatisfactory results. We do not use templates, each design is bespoke and based on your requests and ideas. This means more work for us, but a better website for you.

As part of our setup questionnaire we will ask you for your logo, photos of your shop and delivery van so that we can understand your colour schemes and branding. We of course ask you for any ideas you may have on the design of your website. We will then create a design and send you a temporary link to your new design and ask you to review it.  We then refine the design until you are happy.

If you don't have a logo for your website then we can design it for you for free. Click the link below to see some examples of recent logos we have designed for client's websites


Florist Window Limited - Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX - Tel: 01223 298045
© Copyright - All Rights Reserved.


Florist Window Limited - Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX - Tel: 01223 298045
© Copyright - All Rights Reserved.