Easy Website Setup

We set up everything for you.

We create a bespoke design for you so that your website looks like yours and not like everybody else's

We add products to your Ecommerce florist website before launch, we take care of everything for you!

We add your website content so you don't get slowed down in your shop, when we say setup we really do take the strain away!

Your website will be fully Search Engine Optimized so Google knows who you are, what you do and where you do it

We will manage your domain and point it at your website when it is ready to go live

We take care of website hosting for you, the bit so your customers can see your WWW name in lights online

We help you set up your online payment gateway so money from sales gets paid direct into your bank account a few days later

We will show you how to process your orders and update your website or just pick up the phone or email and get our team on it!

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization helps Google, Bing or Yahoo understand who you are, what you do and where you do it. When a potential customer searches for something using a search engine SEO ensures you stand a better chance of being found online. The way in which your website is built, visible content and SEO is key to the success of your website, and we love it! In a nutshell, we have years of experience, and we know what works well for florists. Florist Window was designed from the ground up with SEO for florists in mind. If you are worried that switching your website to Florist Window will affect your websites rank then don't be, it will most probbly  improve because our websites just have more know-how.

We can not promise top 10 listings on search engines (nobody can), however our websites are designed from the ground up with Search Engine Optimization in mind, and we generally achieve excellent listings on search engines.


Florist Window Limited - Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX - Tel: 01223 298045
© Copyright - All Rights Reserved.


Florist Window Limited - Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX - Tel: 01223 298045
© Copyright - All Rights Reserved.